Strona: JANUS Project at MECSPE 2022 Fair in Bologna, 11 June 2022 / Lean Academy

JANUS Project at MECSPE 2022 Fair in Bologna, 11 June 2022

, red. Dorota Stadnicka

During the MECSPE 2022 Fair in Bologna, the JANUS Project was presented by our partner from Politechnico di Torino.

For 21 editions, MECSPE has been the largest event dedicated to innovations for the manufacturing industry. With a program developed on the three thematic strands inspired by the pillars for growth in a 4.0 key, training, digitization and sustainability, the path inside the 13 synergistic halls of MECSPE was an important opportunity for visitors and exhibitors to learn about the main technological innovations in the in the field of industrial processes, both in the exhibition areas and in the demonstration areas.

Visitors were able to learn about the ideas and objectives of the project, as well as experience the virtual reality scenarios developed by the project partners in a blended learning mode for robotics.

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