2022-2025 MISCE+
Projekt "Mechatronic for improving and standardizing competences in engineering"
2022-2025 TET
Projekt "The Evolving Textbook"
2021-2023 JANUS
Projekt "e-Pedagogy and Virtual Reality Based Robotic Blended Education"
2020-2023 PLANET4
Projekt "Practical Learning of Artificial iNtelligence on the Edge for indusTry 4.0"
2020-2023 ASSETs+
Projekt "Alliance for Strategic Skills Adressing Emerging Technologies in Defence"
2019-2022 MAESTRO
Projekt "Manufacturing Education for a Sustainable fourth Industrial Revolution"
2017-2020 TIPHYS
Projekt "Social Network Based Doctoral Education on Industry 4.0"
2016-2018 ILA-LEAN
Projekt "Innovative Learning Approaches for Implementation of Lean Thinking to Enhance Office and Knowledge Work Productivity"
2015-2017 LEAN
Projekt "Training by doing and training on the go as effective approaches to lean manufacturing"
2009-2011 LLA
Projekt "Lean Learning Academies"